We all, in one way or another, are concerned about our health. I don’t know a single person who would be happy lying in bed with a fever and a runny nose, or limping with a bandaged leg after an unsuccessful jump. But we are human and when we find ourselves in a situation of illness, we are forced to turn to a doctor, who, after listening to us, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Here, everything is quite good.

The situation is completely different when our pets start to get sick. And here we face the most difficult problem… They can’t say that they have a headache, or that something is tingling in their side. The most unpleasant thing is that we see the problem and invite a doctor only when the disease is already clearly visible and causing the animal suffering, which a human can see. How can we catch the “signals” that our pet gives and help them a little earlier than we see it with our own eyes?

An experienced rider or veterinarian will notice changes in the animal’s behavior much earlier than we can, and can start helping their horse without allowing it to deeply enter into illness. Our project gives everyone who loves horse riding the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in caring for horses, great athletes, without going through their long and difficult path. How does it happen?

We use high-tech sensors that collect data on the movement of each horse’s leg with a frequency of almost 2 kHz with the highest accuracy (which is actually not available even to the greatest athlete), we can determine if our horse has deviations in movements and inform you about it. Since we use Artificial Intelligence and a huge array of Big Data for data analysis, the conclusions that the neural network makes based on the experience of several million previously recorded trainings are extremely correct and accurate.
Our project has been developing for over three years, and the huge amount of work done by a team of 14 people for you looks very simple.

Each column is green in color.
This is the main window of the application where you can see the condition of your horse’s legs and, if everything is in order, see this picture…

Or if not everything is in order, then a red color appears in the picture.
And yes, we wish you never to see on the screen of your application the picture that we just showed you.

But if it is there, then this is the very reason to turn to your veterinarian and consult with him about how exactly to take care of your horse. Long before she herself disappoints you with lameness, which will completely knock you out of your training schedule and, unfortunately, force you to spend time, effort, and, let’s not hide it, money on treating a disease that has already become visible…
So, we believe that such small care for a horse will definitely return to you in a good mood, excellent sports results, and the gratitude of your four-legged friend.
And yes… it’s just an application, behind which stands 3.5 years of hard work, research, and discoveries of a passionate team of professionals.

Good luck to you!